VOENA in Abu Dhabi! This is what is being said across oceans and the world and finally, all the way from Abu Dhabi! "An amazing whirlwind tour with the amazing Voena Children’s choir from the San Francisco Bay Area performing an adaption of the song “Voices Dream”. There was a quest to find just the right children’s choir that would capture the very heart of this important event and at the request of HH The Crown Prince Of Abu Dhabi & Major Dana Al Marzouqi, Voena received and accepted the prestigious invitation to sing for the Interfaith Alliance official pledge to fight against Online Child Abuse. The event was spectacularly created by Prisme International in the breathtaking location of the Wahat Al Karama with the backdrop of the Iconic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque." Over 250 world religious leaders came together to put aside their differences and focus on a 10 year commitment to protecting child dignity and safety on line. 20 of Voena members were invited to sing one song! One chance to help Major Dana Al Marzouqi, minister of the interior, help her vision become reality as our music launched this historic event!
Voices dream
Voices calling
Voices waken the night
Dreamers come
Dreamers waiting
Abu Dhabi unites!
“Spectacular to listen to these melodic voices of young people in the shadow of a monumental, sacred mosque as we await Her Royal Highness of the UAE. This vocal beauty reminds us of the beauty, fragility & innocence of youth. We must continue to protect them!”
“International Children’s choir, dressed in white, now performs in front of the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.”