In Loving Memory...

The VOENA family was devastated last September by the unexpected passing of our beloved Aly Kauzer, a parent of two talented VOENA alumni, and the heartbeat of our organization as an active volunteer and supporter. Aly was, and will always be, an amazing, loving individual who provided light and laughter wherever she went. Her hard work and passion left a positive imprint on her family, community and co-workers. Due to her love for children and their well-being, Aly dedicated much of her time making sure every member thrived in the VOENA Children's Choir.

VOENA in Abu Dhabi for the Interfaith Alliance Forum

VOENA in Abu Dhabi! This is what is being said across oceans and the world and finally, all the way from Abu Dhabi! "An amazing whirlwind tour with the amazing Voena Children’s choir from the San Francisco Bay Area performing an adaption of the song “Voices Dream”. There was a quest to find just the right children’s choir that would capture the very heart of this important event and at the request of HH The Crown Prince Of Abu Dhabi & Major Dana Al Marzouqi, Voena received and accepted the prestigious invitation to sing for the Interfaith Alliance official pledge to fight against Online Child Abuse.